COMPOSITION Oct 15 to 19

WEEK Oct 15th to 19th

1st Year "B"

Unit 1. Lesson 1.4 Personal Writing "Writing About Yourself" (pp. 20-23)

Objective:To select, recall (remember), and order information from personal experience.
Sts will take turns reading Lesson 1.4, p 20-23, while T explains. T will read excerpt from "Never Cry Wolf", explain new vocabulary and ask questions about it.

CW: Each St will recall three interesting experiences he/she has had in the last year and make a cluster/mental map with each one. The he/she will chose one and write about it.

1st Years "A" and "C": 

Unit 1. Lesson 1.3 Personal Writing "Writing to Celebrate" (pp. 16-19) and Lesson 1.4 Personal Writing "Writing About Yourself" (pp. 20-23)

Objective:To choose main ideas to be shared in letters, invitations and greeting cards and To select, recall (remember), and order information from personal experience.
Sts will take turns reading Lesson 1.3, p 12-15, while T explains. T. will project different types of invitations. Then Sts will take turns reading Lesson 1.4, p 20-23, while T explains. T will read excerpt from "Never Cry Wolf", explain new vocabulary and ask questions about it.

CW: Sts will design and write an invitation to a celebration in their NB (include the necessary information) and each St will recall three interesting experiences he/she has had in the last year and make a cluster/mental map with each one. The he/she will chose one and write about it.

HW: Do real invitation using different materials. Be creative


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