COMPOSITION Oct 29 to Nov 2

1st TERM 1st HALF

1st "A" and 1st "C":

Unit 1. Lesson 1.5 Writing About Literature "Responding to a Character" (pp. 24-27)

Objective: To observe characteristics and formulate questions about characters.
Sts will take turns reading Lesson 1.5, p 24-27, while T explains and asks different questions about the characters read about.

CW: Study the shown portrait of “Pére Tanguy”, painted by Vincent Van Gogh.
Pére Tanguy was a friend of the artist who sold art supplies. Write to him and ask him questions or tell him what you think about his portrait. Consider questions about his clothes, his expression, elements of the painting, his artist friends, and his work.

1st "B":

Read pp. 28 to 31 to review Personal writing stages.

Read the Diary of LaToya Hunter aloud, taking turns, while teacher explains new vocabulary and asks questions about the reading (pp.32-37)

CW: Sts will Revise and edit their letter to Pere Tanguy


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