SPELLING Oct 22 to 26

1st TERM 1st HALF

WEEK Oct 22nd to 26th

Lesson 5: Vocabulary with the sounds of sh: sh, su, ti, ci, ch

CW: T. will tell Sts how different combinations of letters in some words, will have the sound /sh/. Sts will take turns reading “Hocus Focus” on p. 21, while T asks if they know meaning of boldfaced vocabulary (examples in English). T will read Word list and students will repeat while explaining meanings through examples. After, Sts will do activities, individually, on pp. 22-24, while teacher checks on site.

HW: Study for test on Friday, November 2nd

Study to be able to work as we always do in the classroom: correct spelling and knowing word meanings to be able to use them in the correct context.


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