COMPOSITION November 19 to 23

1st TERM 2nd HALF

WEEK  Nov 19th to 23rd

Unit 2. Lesson 2.2 The Writing Process: Finding and Exploring a Topic (pp. 50-52). Lesson 2.3 Prewriting: Determining Purpose and Audience (pp. 54-56)

Objective: To use Prewriting techniques to generate a topic and identify the purpose and audience for a piece of writing.

CW: Sts. will copy the four purposes for writing (Telling, Describing, Inform or Explain, and Persuade); Examples of Audiences and different forms of writing (Essay, Story, Poem, or Report). Then each team from last class will get together to continue working on their posters of the writing process to post in the classroom and keep in mind when writing.

HW:  1st "A" and "C": Due on Monday, Nov. 26th
          1st "B": Due on Wednesday, Nov. 28th

Collect three topic ideas using clustering (look at p. 52). For each topic identify the purpose and the audience.


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