GRAMMAR Nov 26 to 30

1st TERM 2nd HALF

WEEK Nov 26th to 30th

Unit 9. NOUNS. Review Lesson 9.1 to 9.6: Types of Nouns (common, proper, concrete, abstract); Compound Nouns (one word, hyphenated, more than one word); Possessive Nouns (add 'S or '); Distinguishing Plurals, Possessives, and Contractions; Collective Nouns (check verb and other words to know if the collective noun is singular or plural); Appositives (it adds information about the noun).

T. will do a cluster on the board to review NOUNS while asking Sts to give examples.  After,we will do oral exercises of lessons that were most difficult to understand.

HW: Study for test on Friday November 28th (during Spelling hours and please also take your Spelling Workbook to school).

Remember test dates have been moved due to the fact of not having class from Dec. 4th until the 10th, both dates included.


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