GRAMMAR Nov 5 to 9 and Evaluation Plan

1st TERM 2nd HALF

EVALUATION PLAN 1st Term – 2nd Half
Classwork -------------------15%
English Skills-----------------5% (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking)

Teacher’s Appraisal---------5%

WEEK Nov 5th to 9th

Unit 9. NOUNS. Lessons 9.1 Kinds of Nouns and 9.2 Compound Nouns

T. will ask students what they know about nouns. Then Sts will read pp 379 and 381 aloud. After, T. will write concepts on the board for Sts to copy in their NB (What is a Noun; Common and Proper Nouns; Concrete and Abstract Nouns; Compound Nouns: one word, hyphenated, more than one word). Then we will do oral exercises from pp. 380 and 382.

CW: p. 380, Ex. 2 (1-10) only answers

HW: p. 382, Ex. 4 (1-20) only answers, due on Wednesday, Nov. 14th.


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