SPELLING November 19 to 23

1st TERM 2nd HALF

WEEK Nov 19th to 23rd

Lesson 9: Silent Consonants
Lesson 10: Vocabulary with ear, are, and air

CW: Sts will take turns reading “Coat of Arms” on p. 37, while T asks if they know meaning of boldfaced vocabulary (examples in English) and explain what they don't. T will read Word list on p.38 and students will repeat while explaining meanings through examples and images. Then, T. will read "Super Sledding" on p. 41 while asking Sts if they know meaning of boldfaced vocabulary (examples in English) and explain what they don't. T will read Word list on p.42 and students will repeat while explaining meanings through examples and images. After, Sts will do activities, individually, on pp. 38-40, and pp.42-444, while teacher checks on site.

HW: Finish classwork. Do paragraphs "Writing a Mini-Mystery" (p. 40) and " Writing a questionnaire" (p.44). Due. Friday, November 30th.


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