GRAMMAR Jan 21 to 25 (1 "C")

2nd TERM 1st HALF

WEEK January 21st to 25th 2019

1st Year “C”

Unit 10. Verbs. Lessons 10.1 Action Verbs. Lesson 10.2 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs and 10.9 Irregular Verbs. 

T. will ask Sts what a verb is and if they understand the difference between a Regular and an Irregular verb. Then Sts will read pp 399 and 415 aloud, taking turns. Then they will do Exs 1 (1-10) and 2 (1-10) on p. 400 and Ex 16 (1-10) on p. 416 orally.

Sts will read pp 401 aloud, taking turns, while T. explains. Then they will do Ex. 3 (1-20) on p. 402 orally

CW: p. 400 Ex 1 (11-20) and p. 416 Ex 16 (11-20) written in NB.

HW:  From Irregular Verbs guide given in class, do pp. 1-2, Past and Past Participle columns ONLY, due on Wednesday, Jan. 16th.


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