2nd TERM 1st HALF

Unit 2. Lesson 2.6 Revising: Evaluating a Draft  Lesson 2.7 Revising: Making Paragraphs Effective  Lesson 2.8 Revising: Creating Sentence Variety  Lesson 2.9 Editing: Making Final Adjustments  Lesson 2.10 Presenting: Sharing Your Writing

CW: Sts will read pp. 66-84 aloud, taking turns, while T. explains.  Then Sts. will continue drafting, revising and editing their writing about their chosen topic started in November, first individually and then in pairs doing a Peer Review.

HW: Sts. will do final draft to publish and share with classmates next week. It should be at least 2 paragraphs long and it can be handwritten or done in word processor (Arial 12, 1.5 interlining). Don't forget to write date, name, year and section. You can add a picture or two.


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