GRAMMAR Feb 4 to 8 (1st Year "C")

2nd TERM 1st HALF

WEEK February 4th to February 8th 2019

1st Year “C”

Unit 10. Verbs.  Lesson 10.4 Linking Verbs and Predicate Words and 10.5 Present, Past, and Future Tenses

T. will ask Sts what they remember from last class' Transitive and Intransitive verbs, and Direct Object and read and explain Verbs with Indirect Objects. Sts will do Ex. 7 (1-10) on p. 406 and Ex. 9 on p. 408 orally.

CW: p. 406 Ex 7 (11-20) and p. 408 Ex 10 (1-10) written in NB. Then they will copy Lesson Summary in NB as well. Due for Monday, February 11th.

NOTE: I don't know why the images are coming out sideways. I have tried to fix them to no avail. You can copy and paste them on a word document and then turn them around.


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